To our Cornerstone Wellness Providers,
As many of you know, we have not increased the wholesale cost of our Cornerstone supplements since 2014 and that was the only increase since we began in 2006. We run a very lean machine with no bricks/mortar, no reps, one employee and we contract all our tech and distribution. Our supplement manufacturers are experiencing incredible inflation in costs of raw materials, containers, labels, labor, and freight. Overall, their costs have increased 20-28% which is what we have been experiencing for months.
They have obviously passed these costs on to us, so we have no choice but to raise our prices on our three supplements. We are probably the last supplement company to do this. Most other companies had major price increases go into effect last fall. We have always been dedicated to making our supplements as affordable as possible for your patients. We also provide the highest % of profits to providers of any medical grade supplements.
Effective July 1, 2023 we will be increasing our prices across the board by 12% which is only half of what we are getting hit by. Here are the changes.
Cornerstone shakes 30 serving will bump from $38 -$42.56/canister when bought by case/12
Case will be $510.72
Cornerstone Shakes 14 serving will bump from $23.40 -$26.20/canister when bought case/12
Case price will be $314.40. There will be a short term promotion on this item. Minimum 6 cases when the order is phoned into our office. $264/case – $22 per canister Suggest patient promotion $34 per bottle. Perhaps display pyramid stack.
Metassist and Omegahealth will bump from $17.40-$19.48 bottle when bought by the case/12 Case will be $244.75
We have a suggested retail price for our products. It is of course, your choice whether to increase prices to your patients. Large shakes $78. Small shakes $39 Supplements $38.
I have attached an extremely comprehensive chart comparing Cornerstone shakes to the most popular medical and non-medical protein shakes. This identifies the difference in protein drinks versus meal replacements, protein sources, micronutrients and cost to public. Please note that despite being the highest nutrient all natural meal replacement, we are one of the least expensive. Note, this chart reflects the new suggested price as of July 1, 2023.
Please share chart with your providers and wellness coaches. I suggest it should be printed in color either 11 x 17 or 8.5 x 14 and laminated so patients can be educated in their choices.
We appreciate your patience and loyalty as we face these challenging economic headwinds as very small, incredibly lean company making the finest supplements in the industry.
Please let us know if you have any questions or anytime we may be of assistance for your wellness program. Thank you,
Jonathan Burg MD
President, Cornerstone Wellness MD
Cell: 505.681.9400 / Office : 800-230-9052