Marketing Tools
Jumpstart your marketing efforts with ease using our customized and proven marketing tools.
Educational Videos
- If sending via email, send them the hyperlinks below:
Cornerstone Wellness Waist Management Video:
Cornerstone Wellness Overview 5 Minute Video Page:
Social Media
- Our social media posts can be customized for your clinic.
- Ask about how to link your affiliate information into posts to use with your regional social media
Standards to Follow and Helpful Tips
- Make sure to use as high-end photography as possible
- Try to make sure to have Cornerstone product in the post, whether the product (bottle) is sitting on the table, or you’re drinking a shake; also try to make sure the Cornerstone logo is visible!
- Tag (using the “@” symbol) Cornerstone Wellness Facebook/Instgram (@cornerstonewellnessmd) in posts so we can re-share or do a collaboration post to get as much exposure as possible
- When creating a side-by-side before/after, we recommend using Pic Stitch, a free photo collage app that
allows you to pick a side-by-side template and upload your before/after pictures - Use hashtags like the ones in the sample posts below, or whatever you feel is relevant and necessary to the post (for example, if you’re playing tennis, use something like #tennis #tennisplayer #outdoorfitness)
- Do not use more than 10 hashtags in a post
- Use 1-2 emojis if applicable. Emojipedia.com is a great tool to use if you are posting from a computer.
Sample Posts – Affiliate (Female)
- Log in to your Facebook and/or Instagram profile
- Create a new post and add in the image(s) you’d like to use, and the caption you’d like to use
As a yoga instructor and fitness enthusiast, I can honestly say Cornerstone Wellness shakes give me peace of mind that I’m getting the best nutrition available. Get 10% OFF your first purchase with code: MANDY
Link below:
#CornerstoneWellness #Affiliate #ProteinShakes #NutritionalSupplementation #MaintainMuscle #WeightManagement #HealthAndWellness #Fitspiration #Yoga #BestNutrition

Sample Posts – Coach(Male)
- Log in to your Facebook and/or Instagram profile
- Create a new post and add in the image(s) you’d like to use, and the caption you’d like to use
As a Division II college wrestler, I can honestly say Cornerstone Wellness shakes help me manage my weight and maintain muscle. Get 10% OFF your first purchase with code: RILEY
Link below:
#CornerstoneWellness #Coach #ProteinShakes #NutritionalSupplementation #MaintainMuscle #WeightManagement #HealthAndWellness #Fitspiration

Sample Post – Before & After
- Log in to your Facebook and/or Instagram profile
- Create a new post and add in the image(s) you’d like to use, and the caption you’d like to use
Cornerstone Wellness makes it easy to lose weight, and keep it off! With the best-tasting and healthiest nutritional protein shakes, along with nutritional supplements, eating healthier, and a solid exercise plan, the Cornerstone Wellness plan is easy to follow , and really gets results. See it for yourself with this before and after of one of my clients!
Link below:
#CornerstoneWellnessMD #BodyTransformation #WeightLoss #WeightLossJourney #GetHealthy #HealthyLifestyle #HealthAndWellness

Sample Post – Free Shakes
- Log in to your Facebook and/or Instagram profile
- Create a new post and add in the image(s) you’d like to use, and the caption you’d like to use
Orange you curious about our delicious health shakes?
CONTACT US for FREE samples at cornerstonewellnessmd.com/FREESHAKE
#Cornerstonewellnessmd #proteinshakes #freesamples #nutritionalsupplementation #familynutrition

Library – Shake & Product Images
- 7 ft tall
- Before/After showcase pull-up banner
- Can be customized for your clinic

Biggest Loser Contest
- Customized for your clinic
- Many clinics are successfully doing 12 week contests

Quick Read
- Use the Quick Read feature to screen all patient’s body composition during check in
- Anyone with a BMI over 31, all metabolic syndrome, DMII, etc.
- Note: Print feature on report

Drawing for a $299 prize Cornerstone Wellness Nutrition Kit
- Put big bowl at check out next to counter card explaining program
- Collect names to be drawn after ninety days.
- Winner gets a full month program/ 60 meals, Metassist, omega health and a free initial consult
- Second place gets one shake plus one metassist
- Third place gets bottle of metassist
- All other drawings get ten percent off order during consult

Poster – 11 x 17 Omega Health

Poster – 24 x 36 Before/After Family

Counter Cards
For exam rooms and lobbies